I saw a picture of my childhood buddy Grant Brecher....He was all ripped up and lean so I could tell he had made some sort of change...that's when he introduced me to SupraHuman.
- Rapid Fat Loss
- Metabolic Recovery
- Performance & Longevity
Supra Mindset
Achieving an elite body begins and ends in the mind. Cultivating a winning mindset to automate championship behavior and results requires you to rewire limiting beliefs holding you back.
Getting what you want begins with your self image. A student of mental programming, our founder & CEO John Madsen is now one of the most highly sought out high performance coaches in the world. His methodology is incorporated into our customized program.
Supra Physique
We have a radically different approach to nutrition and fitness, rooted in science. There are 3 Phases to the Supra Human Method.
An elite physique doesn’t end. That’s the starting line. We focus on the fundamentals, helping you access the tools and implement the habits you need for a lifetime.
Supra Energy
While others can barely shift out of second gear, you’ll find yourself moving into fifth gear more easily and effortlessly.
Experience the energy that comes from a body performing at optimum.
When you commit to the Supra Human way, you’ll not only look and feel good, you’ll perform differently in all areas of your life.
Supra Motivation
Championship behavior leads to championship results. Many of our clients come in with the goal of losing weight, but what they get is an epic transformation known to create epic growth in their businesses too.
All our clients are required to start with a commitment to the Supra Human Method. We start with the first phase which is rapid fat loss. Many clients require more time to experience the epic transformations you see.
We have different programs depending on your goals. While we have group coaching available, most of our clients who are serious about achieving their goals start with our most popular program which is custom 1:1 coaching. We also have a higher tiered program for people who desire elite results.
Our program is not for everyone. It’s exclusive to those who never settle for average in life which is why we mostly work with high performers. Our clients range from athletes to business men and women, and driven individuals who have a desire to win.
Your first step is to find out if you quality for our program. Click here to fill out our application. If you qualify, you’ll be able to schedule a discovery call with our team. Don’t waste your time if you aren’t willing to make a financial commitment. This is a top tier program with elite service exclusive to high performers. We’ve been known to turn away people from the program who are not a fit.
Hear from our inspirational community. Make today the first step toward your incredible transformation!
The success of your fitness goals will depend heavily on many factors, such as your prior experience, dedication, and work ethic. Achieving any goal requires risk and a great deal of consistent effort. If you are not prepared to put in the time and hard work required, then your fitness journey may not be the right fit for you.
Matt Bohnenkamp
I saw a picture of my childhood buddy Grant Brecher....He was all ripped up and lean so I could tell he had made some sort of change...that's when he introduced me to SupraHuman.
“It was May or June 2021 and I was still fresh off a divorce, depressed, and overweight...I needed a change...not only for myself but for my young boys, whom I wanted to be an example for. So, after a few weeks of thinking about it, I dove in at the beginning of July 2021.
I started at 240 pounds with low energy, didn't sleep well, and was always embarrassed to take my shirt off in front of my boys, let alone anyone else. Fast forward to May 2021 - I was down to 175 pounds and roughly 7.5 - 8% body fat, with more energy, better sleep, and feeling much better about myself. Not only that but maybe more importantly my MINDSET had massively changed. MOST importantly, I was a much better example for my boys. If I can do it and get results, anyone can do it. The accountability of my coach Ryan Sedillo was the key piece for me. Was I perfect all the time? Not even close, but consistency is the KEY! I found that If I could string together 4-5-6 days in a row where I crushed my macros, it made a huge difference. The workouts became the easiest part for me...they became part of my consistent daily habits...it got to the point where I didn't feel right if I didn't lift or get my 10K steps. ALL ABOUT CONSISTENCY! The nutrition was the toughest part. For me it was sticking with mostly the same food sources day to day...simplified things for me. Many people would comment on my changes or ask me how my "weight loss" program was going...as I thought about that it occurred to me...the hell with that...this isn't a weight loss program...this is a body and mindset TRANSFORMATION program! And as John has talked about, even if I have a bad 1-2 months where I fall off, I will never be more than 4-6 weeks away from being jacked again because of what I learned and the foundation I have built...truly life changing! Special thanks to my buddy Grant Brecher, John Madsen, and my awesome coach Ryan Sedillo for helping and supporting me along the way. I'll always be grateful! ”
Ashli Garcia
The physical transformation is just a bonus. It’s the mental growth that is the real prize.
“The fact that I am now having people on my team reach out to tell me they’re inspired by me, and it has nothing to do with my fitness but who they see me as in the workplace and as a human being. The drive, the work ethic. The comfortable girl on the left wasn’t capable of that type of positive influence. Don’t let yourself get comfortable...
“The fact that I am now having people on my team reach out to tell me they’re inspired by me, and Forever grateful for Supra Human and my fucking rockstar of a coach and best of friends Ben Olliver for paving the way for me to change my life and make 31 my best year yet.”
Paul Marcellino
Doing great, down about 30 lbs and 7 inches on waist and gained a ton of muscle so far - motivation and drive is at an all time high!
“Loving John podcasts, I listen to them during my daily walks and almost through all of them. I'm not big on social media but I know a lot of people and have told them to check out John's program and attribute it to my success. Changing your mindset is so powerful!”
Laurie Hummel
I first learned about Supra Human while attending a wedding where I met Mike Silva.
“He spoke highly of the program and the 360 benefits outside of health and nutrition. I was highly skeptical at first... I did Keto and was able to lose weight but I was interested in a lifetime solution vs a temporary one. While I was a gymnast in my youth, I had never lifted weights or even had a gym membership as an adult.
I live in Texas, work in New York City and travel across the country. I have 2-3 business dinners per week, a 120 member team, and work a very demanding schedule. With Covid, I decided there was so much outside my control but my health, fitness and mindset were within my control. I was blessed to be paired with Ryan Stevens as my coach. He kept me on track for the first 12 weeks and I saw progress. While I had achieved weight loss, I wanted to continue to change my shape and gain muscle.
His feedback on the machines and exercises I did not yet understand helped me to become comfortable enough to join a gym. He also gave feedback without judgment. “Maybe you should trade a champagne glass for protein.” He taught me to plan for success in my protein.
The coaching calls which give practical strategies for success in each stage are critical. I listen to the replays each week to build on my learnings. Ryan Stevens took a 54 year old from a marshmallow to finding muscles I didn’t know I had.
2022 has been one of the best years of my life. My work, family, investments, relationships are all better. It’s no coincidence that feeling better mentally and physically contributed to manifestation of success.
Thank you to Ryan Stevens for your friendship, insane patience and ability to change my habits for a lifetime. To a great 2023!!!”
Cameron Christensen
In May, we took family pictures. For the first time ever, I was excited. I embodied greatness.
“Last week while purchasing pre-workout, the retail worker asked me if I was trying to lose weight. For the first time in 7 years, I said no.
In May, we took family pictures. For the first time ever, I was excited. I embodied greatness. What an incredible feeling.
In 2017, I came home from my mission 225 lbs. I actually remember the day I got home, someone from high school saying, "Wow you got big."
Some time later, playing a card game with friends one night, I was given the "peaked in high school" card. (I look back at that moment and laugh lol)
For two years I coasted until I reconnected with John Madsen Fall 2019 (See 2nd photo). I joined his 16 week transformation with Supra Human .
Suprahuman delivered in every way (I'm still with them to this day). My body composition changed and I fell in love with lifting again.”
Tanner Adams
First off, I can’t thank John Madsen, my trainer Ben Olliver, and the team at Supra Human enough.
“It’s easy to quantify these pics with numbers: pounds lost, body fat, # of workouts, steps, macros etc, but hard to put into words what they mean to me. All the stories about why I would never look like that (bad genetics, too old, too busy, not meant to be, I’m good enough). Someday one day is what I would tell myself, make excuses and put it off. That someday is now as I’m about to turn 45. It’s never too late to rewrite your stories. Being able to overcome the highly insecure boy who was never comfortable in his skin, that dreaded shirts and skins in gym class, and as I got older would shy away from activities where I had to take my shirt off. The guy that never liked taking photos of any kind. The before pics make me cringe and are uncomfortable to share. It’s a good reminder or where I’ve been and how far I’ve come. Feels amazing to follow through and not quit, stop playing small and represent a better version of myself. I knew it was something I HAD to do for me and see it through.
I’m not going to say it was easy, but it wasn’t that hard. I made it harder by not fully listening to my coach, and listening to the opinions of others. People want to know two things, how long does it take and what does it cost? Took me a year exactly, but looking back could have done it in 4 months had I gone all in which is crazy. If you knew you were 4 months to a year tops from your dream body, would you do it? I’ve learned it’s best to find someone who has done it and pay them to get you there the fastest way possible. As for the cost, so worth it. Money spent on yourself is the best investment you can make. I’d ask what’s the cost for not doing it? I tried every fad diet and quick fix out available, and there is a reason they don’t work. I saw all the transformation photos with them as was like “why can’t that be me?” If I can do it, you can too.”
Jaden Johnson
It was one of the best possible time, money and energy investments I have ever made in my life.
“On my birthday in September 2021 I made a decision.
I decided that when my daughter was born that I was going to be the best possible version of myself that I was capable of being.
And that when I met her and held her in my arms for the first time in my life that I would be at my absolute best.
Now while I’m imperfect, I absolutely crushed my goal.
A part of that goal was also having the best possible appearance and physique that I could create.
So from September 18th (the picture on the left) until March 9th (the picture on the right) I was dedicated and committed to the Supra Human process and stripping away all the fat and limiting beliefs that were holding me back in my life.
(I lost a total of 36 lbs of fat during that time period😳)
It was one of the best possible time, money and energy investments I have ever made in my life. Because of that I have to take a moment and thank my friend, mentor and trainer (since 8th grade by the way…) John Madsen for creating the most incredible life changing fitness program available in the world today. I also wanted to thank my 1 on 1 success rep and coach Ben Olliver for leading me every step of the way.
And if you are reading this post right now and find yourself wanting to get into ELITE shape. Then comment below “SupraHuman” or send me a DM/PM to learn more. I’d be happy to tell you exactly what you can expect from working with an incredible company and training program to reach your ultimate potential.
Once again thank you to Supra Human for helping me go within and give myself PERMISSION TO WIN.”
Karrie Fenech
I feel like I can finally be the person I was meant to be
“I'm very happy about it. I feel like I can finally be the person I was meant to be. That Includes this new job. I've always been the one scared of what people think of me and quit reserved and a follow along kind of person. Never really had a voice and with this new business ownership and how I feel about myself is completely different then how I felt back when I first started. I have a voice and I feel 100 % to use it. That why I said in my video that it's giving me confidence in myself.”
Mike Herman
No one could've made me believe I could've had that kind of turnaround that quickly.
“It's been 60days. I've lost 20lbs. I've lost that weight while increasing strength in all the lifts. UNREAL. No one could've made me believe I could've had that kind of turnaround that quickly. I was a guy who had gained more fat in the last year than he had in the past 25 years, and spent more time out of the gym than he had in 25 years. Nothing seemed to motivate me and I did not like who I had become and nothing I tried could fix it. This program has been the easiest thing I have ever tried and it has yielded the best results. The nutrition plan is simple and easy and I don't even feel like I'm dieting. The workouts are back to what I enjoyed back in high school and college but, previously, I was convinced my body could not do that anymore. Yet, here I am crushing weights with zero injuries. The minor pains I had before I started are all gone. I can't wait to see what the next 10 months will bring. Thank you, and anyone else who is instrumental in this program.”
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In just 4 minutes… you’ll learn how this method is helping high-performers in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s go from old and soft to fight club shredded… without cardio, cutting out carbs, and endless hours spent in the gym away from their businesses
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