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In this episode John talks with Ben Olliver about the role of a coach and the need for real accountability in your fitness journey. They also explain that unhealthy relationships are typically with yourself rather than external factors.

John Madsen: I am super excited for today’s show, guys. Welcome back to the show. I’m John Madsen. You guys know that I don’t have very many interviews, very, very few. Probably Ben, you’re number four. So I wanna introduce you to the listeners who don’t know who you are. We have an amazing episode today, man. Ben Olliver, you’re out of the UK joining us. It’s late where you’re at, but… for everybody listening and who have listened to a lot of my shows, I wanted to interview Ben because he was at one point in time, my coach, in terms of fitness, dialing my body in. And now you are the director of human performance for my company and are just one of the best in the world at what you do. And so I wanna have a conversation with you. for everybody else who’s gonna listen and we’re gonna cover nutrition, we’re gonna cover training, we’re two meathead type guys who love everything human performance. And I just wanna say, look, what you’re about to learn in this episode, you might have to listen to two or three times because we’re gonna go deep into nutrition, we’re gonna go deep into human performance and we have one of the best in the world to bring this to you. So Ben, welcome my brother. My listeners are in store for a great show.

Ben Olliver: Thanks for having me. You’re too kind.

JM: Buddy, dude, this has been a really cool journey with you because probably over a year ago, you were the person who dialed me in for one of the, I don’t do fitness shows, my people know that, but I do get ready from time to time for little photo shoots that help with marketing and stuff. you know, I stay in relatively good shape and we’ll go into kind of a seasonal approach to fitness. I’ve talked about quite a lot on this show actually, but you were the person that when the time was right, I was like, look, I need that level of accountability. I need even more expertise. I need your help to get me to this point. And so we did that over a year ago. And now you’re a part of what we do in our everyday thing, helping. clients all over North America and you’re clear out in the UK. So dude, I mean, for, for the listener, give us a little bit of background on how you got into this fitness game and what you’ve done. And, uh, I’ll direct the conversation from there.

BO: Yeah, I was a fat kid and got into training around 15. My dad, a natural bodybuilder, never pushed me into it, but I enjoyed lifting weights. Being a fat kid gave me leverage to lift more weight and build confidence. At 14-15, I became hooked as my body changed rapidly. After finishing secondary school at 16, I went to college where I fell in love with training and nutrition. I was fortunate to have a fantastic rugby coach, Andy Roda, who emphasized compound lifts and Olympic lifts. The college was a hub for Bob Skeleton athletes, and I was surrounded by top-level athletes. They inspired me to focus more on my nutrition and pursue natural bodybuilding. While studying sports nutrition and biomedicine in university, I competed in shows and became a personal trainer afterward.

As a personal trainer, I realized that academic knowledge didn’t always apply to real-world clients. I had to relearn everything while building relationships to help clients. Wanting to enhance my credentials and earning potential, I pursued a part-time master’s degree in applied sports nutrition. It was a challenging journey, balancing studies, personal training, and competing. I completed my master’s in 2017 and had the privilege of connecting with Dr. Trevor Kashi, who became a mentor and helped me bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical application.

After finishing my master’s, I joined Dr. Cash’s business, TKN, where I had the opportunity to improve my coaching skills and work with a diverse range of clients. It was an incredible platform to coach various people, from physique competitors to retired individuals. Through TKN, I met you and established a strong coach-client relationship, helping you get shredded for your photo shoot. Our alignment with the message preached by Athletic AF made it a perfect match. It’s been an amazing journey over the past couple of years.

JM: Dude, it’s amazing, man. Just to bridge the gap for the listeners, when I was 16, I fell in love with the iron game, just like you. It wasn’t just about sports for me; it was also about confidence. I had the opposite experience from you because I was an ectomorph. I was a long, skinny, late-developing athlete. I remember in the yearbooks they asked who was most likely to go pro in a sport, and in my head, I thought it would be me, but it didn’t turn out that way. I was tall, skinny, and weak throughout high school. But once I started developing, even though it was challenging for a skinny kid like me, I saw changes in the mirror. I went from 160 to 185-190 pounds at 6’4″, which may not be considered big, but it made a huge difference to my confidence. I remember wanting to be more than just a scrawny guy. Now, I still love the process of going to the gym, working out, seeing results, and feeling strong. It’s something I chase all the time.

What I find interesting is that a lot of what we do is behavioral. It’s about realizing that many people are focused on the strategies like keto, veganism, or counting macros, but what really matters is the deep connection to the desire to achieve their goals. It’s about buying into the mentality before the tactics even matter that much. We’ve seen incredible transformations from clients who truly buy into the mindset. They don’t need a PhD to get shredded. What they need is a coach who can help them embrace the mindset and provide a sustainable lifestyle structure. That’s where I found success in my coaching career. I excel at getting people to believe in their potential to go from good to great. Our clients are already putting in effort, they work out, eat clean, but they want to know why they can’t reach their desired level. I sell them on the vision and the mindset that it’s worth it to go all the way. Our clients are the ones who say, “I don’t need convincing to get in shape. I’m already good, but I want to achieve greatness.” And that’s why I wanted to work with those people.

BO:For sure. The coach complements the client’s desire by building trust and guiding them towards optimal results. Accountability is often misunderstood. It’s not about having someone constantly remind you of tasks like hitting protein goals or prepping meals. That’s babysitting, not accountability. Accountability is about taking ownership of past actions. As a coach, my role is to hold clients accountable for their previous decisions, behaviors, and habits. Four key components of accountability are transparency, engagement, evaluation, and feedback. Without these, accountability falls apart.

Unfortunately, many companies fail on the accountability side. They may set unrealistic expectations, send generic reminders, or let clients get away with things. But accountability isn’t about giving clients a hard time for slipping up. It’s about having honest conversations to understand what happened and create a plan for future success. Reflecting, critiquing oneself, and thinking critically about perceptions, beliefs, and habits is how progress is made.

As a coach, I hold clients accountable to their actions and initiate uncomfortable conversations when necessary. If a client expects me to babysit them and remind them to do basic tasks, we need to address deeper issues. It’s essential to establish from the start that our program isn’t about handholding, but about the client’s initial desire and commitment. The coach’s role is to keep clients accountable, challenge their beliefs, and provide pushback on excuses or unrealistic goals.

Often, clients have predetermined numbers in mind for weight goals based on past experiences or external factors. We question these numbers and explore the underlying reasons. Does reaching that weight truly align with their current life situation and happiness? We guide clients towards focusing on behaviors, perceptions, and identity rather than fixating solely on weight loss. By becoming the person they want to be, weight loss becomes a natural byproduct of overall well-being.

Coaching goes beyond macros and bench presses. It’s about addressing the whole person and their lifestyle. Improving the relationship with food, managing stress, nurturing relationships, and exercising regularly lead to sustainable weight loss and a fulfilling life. A comprehensive coaching approach encompasses all these aspects.

JM:  You know, dude, this is why your involvement is like rocket fuel for my company. I deeply care about achieving results, just like you mentioned. Many coaches have knowledge about macros and fitness, but they lack the psychological understanding of habits, behavior, and emotions. That’s where we stand out. We spend a significant amount of time emphasizing the importance of mentality in our program.

I had a realization that, although my company is growing rapidly and impacting many people, I won’t be satisfied until every coach achieves 100% fulfillment. Otherwise, I’d be sabotaging my own company. That’s why you were the right person from day one. Your role and my role articulate the same idea throughout the program and culture. Number one, clients need to have the desire and buy into the mentality. Number two, the feedback loop involving reflection, learning, education, and compliance is crucial. We also need a good understanding of psychology to truly help our clients.

Recently, I had a conversation with a woman who expressed having a bad relationship with food, specifically pizza. I asked her to consider something: What if she could eat a whole pizza seven days a week without gaining any weight? Would she still have a bad relationship with pizza? She realized that it wasn’t about the pizza itself but the relationship she had with herself. It was an eye-opening moment for her. We moved forward from there, recognizing that three pounds of weight gain shouldn’t dictate her happiness. We focused on finding alignment, respect, and love for herself. The number of abs doesn’t necessarily determine happiness. I know people with six-pack abs who are unhappy and overweight individuals who are happy. It’s about finding that inner alignment.

Once clients develop self-respect and love, that’s when the real results start to happen. It’s not just about the physical transformation but also about creating a positive relationship with oneself.

BO: Yeah. Absolutely. When people say they have a bad relationship with food, it’s often an indication of a deeper issue: their relationship with stress. Food becomes their coping mechanism, just like drugs or alcohol for others. Food is more socially acceptable. But in truth, it’s not really about the food itself, but the relationship they have with themselves. It’s about stress management and self-perception.

There’s a perpetual cycle of dieting for many individuals. It becomes something to obsess over, and it often stems from fear of success. What if they lose the weight and nothing changes? They put off addressing other aspects of their lives and use weight loss as a way to avoid dealing with those underlying issues. It’s crucial to identify the obstacles, like food and weight, and use them to work in their favor. However, it’s rare these days that the only problem someone has with food is overeating. Those clients are the most straightforward, but also the most boring to work with.

Many companies focus on client acquisition, which is important, but fulfillment often takes a backseat. An exceptional company differentiates itself through the client experience, the rapport, and the relationship built with the coach. It goes beyond just macros and training programs. It’s about engaging with the process, fostering trust, and understanding the client’s struggles and aspirations. Building a strong coach-client relationship is the foundation for successful coaching in nutrition and training.

I pride myself on building rapport quickly and establishing excellent relationships with clients. It makes coaching training and nutrition much more effective when there’s mutual trust, engagement, and a shared belief in the mission. An exceptional company cares deeply and focuses on the overall experience, not just the scientific aspects. While evidence and science are important, it’s the environment, culture, and rapport that truly set companies apart.
This is why I’m so excited about what we do. The environmental piece is crucial. When clients step into our program, they become part of a culture that fosters growth and engagement. Championship teams are not solely about talent; they thrive due to buy-in and a strong culture. Our ecosystem resonates with the mission, and clients who fully participate and engage in the process achieve incredible results.

JM: Our mission is for people who want to win, who refuse to settle for mediocrity. We go against the societal norm of accepting average. When clients step into our arena, they become part of a community of lions and lionesses who are hungry for success. If someone is looking for a cheerleader or a babysitter, they won’t resonate with our company. That’s okay though because we want everyone to find what suits them best. But for those who choose to roll with us, they should know that our mentality and buy-in are strong. We have clients achieving transformations on a whole new level because they embody the right mentality and culture. This buy-in precedes the strategic aspects. Of course, having a coach who knows their stuff is important in fine-tuning and making necessary tweaks. The results become easier than anticipated.

I recently played golf with former athlete friends who were talking about spin classes, running 5Ks, and the latest fitness gadgets like the tonal. They asked for my thoughts, but I looked at them and saw that they were not in top shape, unlike you and me. The issue lies in not truly buying into the desire for something more. Having gimmicks or working out on the floor at home won’t solve the problem. Losing weight is possible through various methods, but that’s not really what we’re about. We’re here to help people look and feel like savages. We put on our big boy pants, train hard, build strength, and feel great about ourselves. We lay brick after brick, week after week, year after year, while adhering to the principles of proper nutrition. That’s how you win this game. My buddies may work harder than me, but they’re getting zero results because they’re engaged in a bunch of ineffective activities. Running 5Ks, attending spin classes, and sweating at the gym won’t lead to the desired outcome. I focus on going to the gym four times a week, lifting heavy because I enjoy it, and paying attention to my specific nutrition needs. I tailor my approach to my own body, not comparing it to anyone else’s. By staying consistent over time, I remain in elite shape and never stray too far from it.

BO: There are limits to what can be achieved with limited equipment like a yoga mat and one kettlebell at home. The best results will likely come from going to the gym and lifting weights. If you want to look like someone who lifts weights consistently, you’ll probably need to lift some weights. It also involves following a high-protein diet and understanding that calories matter. While evidence-based nutrition is valuable, it can sometimes mislead people into thinking they can achieve their goals without making necessary adjustments. It’s important to strike a balance between science and practical application.

Some individuals avoid carbohydrates completely based on the argument that they don’t have to cut carbs to get shredded. While it’s true that one doesn’t have to eliminate carbs entirely, the reality is that for most people, getting shredded will require a lower carbohydrate intake. It doesn’t mean going full-on keto or adopting extreme fasting practices, but it might involve a lower carbohydrate diet in conjunction with appropriate protein and caloric intake.

In the pursuit of results, it’s easy to become fixated on the science and evidence-based practices. However, sometimes amazing transformations occur from seemingly illogical approaches. For instance, following an extremely low-calorie diet consisting of fish and green beans may not make scientific sense, but it can lead to significant weight loss due to a drastic calorie deficit. While it may not be the most sustainable or healthy approach, it highlights the importance of understanding individual factors and finding what works.

The concept of metabolic damage is often exaggerated. Our bodies are designed to withstand periods of food scarcity. Extreme cases of starvation-induced metabolic damage are rare. When someone claims to be eating 800 calories a day, it’s likely a tracking or adherence issue, as the body would continue to lose weight if it was truly being starved. Women, in particular, may need to diet on lower calorie counts to achieve their desired leanness. However, it should be noted that there must be an exit strategy in place. Too often, individuals, especially women, may unknowingly engage in prolonged periods of extreme caloric restriction without knowing how to recover from it.

While there may be times when utilizing very low-calorie approaches is necessary for specific goals, such as photo shoots or stage competitions, it’s crucial to have a plan to bring caloric intake back up afterward. Communication and monitoring are key. It’s about recognizing that temporary sacrifices may be needed, but it’s not sustainable or healthy to remain in such a restricted state for an extended period. People often fear even a single day of lower calories, but the reality is that the body can go without food for several days without detrimental effects. Finding a balanced approach that combines evidence-based practices with individual needs and goals is crucial.

JM: Two things I wanna tackle right there. Many clients claim they don’t eat much, but when we delve deeper, we discover that they have hidden calorie sources. They may snack throughout the day or indulge in client dinners, social events, and weekends that significantly impact their average calorie intake. The idea that six out of seven days of the week being “good” is enough is misleading. That one day of indulgence can bring the average calorie intake much higher. Breaking the restrict-binge cycle is crucial for long-term success.

Another important point is the concept of trying to maintain an extremely shredded look year-round. This is not sustainable and not necessarily enjoyable. There are times when it’s necessary to focus on getting extremely lean, such as for bodybuilding shows or photo shoots. However, beyond those specific occasions, it’s important to have a strategy that includes recovery and maintenance phases. For example, a recovery period allows the body to rebuild metabolic function and emotional well-being after an extended calorie deficit. It may also involve periods where you can walk around at a higher weight, enjoy social events, and focus on building muscle and strength.

People often make the mistake of thinking they have to maintain sub-10% body fat year-round. The reality is that it’s a different game depending on where you start. If you’re not hovering around 12-13% body fat, the approach will vary. For clients starting at a higher body fat percentage, we need to focus on stripping the fat off their bodies first. We dig deep to achieve the desired leanness. Once we reach that point, we transition into a lifelong approach that will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
The problem arises when people keep joining short-term challenges or programs, thinking it will solve all their problems. Even if they lose significant weight, they often gain it back afterward. Sustainable and long-lasting results require a well-designed, comprehensive approach that encompasses different phases tailored to individual needs and goals.

BO: Yeah, and it’s like you said, It’s crucial to consider the time of year when planning diet phases and training periods. Many people forget to align their goals with social events and seasonal activities. For example, trying to diet during the summer when there are pool parties and barbecues can make it challenging to fully enjoy those occasions. It’s important to choose an ideal time, such as spring, to get ahead of the curve and achieve leanness, then transition into a maintenance or slow-gain phase during the summer. This allows you to participate and have a good time while maintaining progress. On the other hand, trying to lose fat during the most sociable times, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, can lead to unnecessary struggle. Instead, it’s a better approach to focus on increasing calories and building strength during the winter or autumn, priming yourself for the next phase.

Nutrition, just like weight training, has phases. There’s a time for hypertrophy, strength, power, and even downtime. It’s unrealistic to expect to be dialed in 100% year-round. Most people, except those whose livelihood depends on it, like models and sponsored athletes, don’t need to maintain an extreme level of leanness all the time. Furthermore, many people who appear to stay in shape year-round on social media are often selectively showcasing their best pictures or hiding their current physique. It’s important to critically analyze and think about what being in shape all the time actually brings and what the trade-offs are. Pursuing a physique solely for external validation or short-lived compliments is not a sustainable motivator. People’s interest wanes quickly, and true fulfillment comes from aligning personal objectives with a healthy and balanced perspective on fitness.

JM:Yeah, dude, you gotta do it for you, right? It’s important to do it for yourself, not for external validation. I do it for the feeling and the high-performance mindset that translates into other areas of my life like business and relationships. It’s about getting into the pros, reaching that starting line, and then playing the game we’ve discussed. However, for many people who are far from their desired level of leanness, they need to work on getting all the way there first. It may take a dedicated period of time, even a year, to achieve that initial goal. Once you reach that point, then you can transition into the cyclical approach and maintain a certain level of leanness, understanding that you can walk around at 8% or 12% body fat and feel good.
Fitness has phases, just like weight training. It’s crucial to time those phases effectively. Planning around seasons and social events can make a significant difference in your overall experience. For example, aiming to get lean ahead of the summer season and then transitioning into a maintenance phase allows you to enjoy pool parties and barbecues. On the other hand, using the autumn and winter seasons to build calories and focus on strength can be beneficial. Fitness is not about trying to look ridiculously lean year-round, especially if it doesn’t align with your personal goals. Social media often portrays a highlight reel, and it’s essential to critically analyze those representations. Most people are not paid athletes or models who can maintain extreme leanness year-round. It’s about finding the right balance that suits your individual needs and goals.

The journey is unique to each person, and it’s important to be aware of where you are in your own journey. If you’re just starting and have never reached your desired level of leanness, it may require help and guidance to get all the way there. Once you reach that point, you need a strategy that allows you to cycle through different phases, recover, and continue improving year after year. It’s also important to consider age as a factor and understand that there’s a window of opportunity to be in great shape before certain limitations arise.

Fitness advice can often be generic and may not fully apply to your specific situation. It’s essential to have clarity on your goals and where you’re starting from. High-level athletes, for example, require different advice compared to someone who wants to reduce body fat from 25% to 10%. Your unique situation determines the specific strategies and approaches that will be most effective for you.
Building a strong foundation and consistently progressing over time is crucial. It’s like earning interest in a bank. We have to help you get into that game, reach the pros, so that the journey becomes much easier for the rest of your life. It’s about finding the right approach and personalized strategies to make sustainable progress and truly enjoy the process.

BO: Yeah. It’s important to recognize that high performers in every area of life didn’t achieve that by giving equal attention to everything all the time. They understand the power of focused effort and prioritization. There are times when fitness takes higher priority, and other times when other areas of life require more attention.

Growth happens in sprints, and it’s crucial to allocate your resources and energy effectively. You start by focusing on one aspect and elevating it while maintaining everything else. Then you move on to the next area, bring it up to the same level, and maintain the progress you’ve made. This step-by-step approach allows you to gradually elevate all areas of your life without overwhelming yourself.

The mistake many people make is trying to tackle everything at once. They want to work 10 hours a day, get shredded, diet strictly, and lift weights six times a week right from the beginning. It’s biting off more than you can chew and often leads to overwhelm and burnout. The key is to choose one aspect, attack it with focused effort, and then move on to the next. In this way, you have the bandwidth to give it your all and create sustainable progress over time.

So, pick one area, give it your undivided attention, and elevate it. Then maintain that progress while moving on to the next area. Over time, you’ll build everything up to a high level, but it requires patience, prioritization, and focusing on one thing at a time.

JM:Yeah, man. I mean, even in my company, we go 10X in 12 months. And so, like for me, like fitness was one of those things. I’m like, I actually think in my own mind, it’s probably relatively small. I’m like, with the move, with the business, with that month off of training, I’m like, I feel like I look a little worse than I did last year through the same cycle. However. It’s so small and then, you know, this is like, even a year is like, it’s such a short time, dude.

I have the same conversation with some of my clients.  I’m like, what’s the alternative? Like you just gonna quit? Like you gonna, are you gonna just quit trying because it’s taking you a little bit longer? Or are you gonna adopt this mentality? That every day, like you’re gonna make a little bit of progress or even like you said, like sometimes you’re in a holding pattern for fitness while business explodes. But you have these pillars and you have these habits and you have these things kind of built in where every single day I look at it with this huge growth mindset approach to everything now where it’s like, dude, I’m just getting better. I’m just getting a little bit better. Like I’m just laying another brick down. I’m just laying another brick down and I’m gonna hit spurts, like you said, that might be 12 weeks where it’s just like, I am on it, man. Like that motivation is so high.

People have this idea that again, like we’re so disciplined. And that’s not the case, man. Like it’s people battle their willpower if they try to do this stuff and try to do it all at once, like you said. And And like I just said, try to stay, to be dieting 12 months out of the year where that’s a recipe for disaster. Playing with your willpower, like nobody has that much will, maybe select few have that much willpower. I sure don’t, right? Like I gotta do what you just said. And like, I gotta go in spurts and then maintain and then go in a spurt. And I gotta set reward systems for myself. Like, hey, if I achieve this, then I’m gonna do this and then reward myself and like play that game for the rest of your life and it’s magic. But if you are constantly chasing this idea that like nothing is ever good enough and you want all the results yesterday and it’s frustrating and it’s this, it’s like, that’s a long, that’s a very hard game for you to play and win until you start adopting this idea that this shit is for life. Like you either are going to have this mentality that you’re in this and you want to be fit as fuck and you want to have longevity and you want to have a certain aspect of performance and you want to take your shirt off and be proud. Like that shit’s an everyday thing for, for years and years and years. If you want to just lose 20 pounds, like there’s a lot of fucking ways we can do that.

BO: This is a great perspective to consider. When we talk about maintenance or periods where our training might not be optimal, it’s important to recognize that what we consider suboptimal is often still better than what most people are doing. Even during those times, we’re still training consistently, prioritizing protein intake, and keeping our overall calories in check.

So, maybe we’re operating at 70% capacity, but we’re still playing the long game.

I’ve experienced injuries for the past several years, but I still put in the work and focused on rehab and assistance exercises. And suddenly, out of nowhere, I gained significant strength across all lifts. It’s not a sudden change in the last two weeks, but the delayed gratification of the work I put in over years. So, it’s important to keep a long-term perspective and not get disheartened by a bad week or a momentary setback. When clients feel frustrated, I show them the bigger picture by zooming out. Starting from a higher point, we see the progress they’ve made over the past six months. It’s about recognizing the journey and the progress made over time. If we zoom in and focus too much on day-to-day fluctuations, like being upset over a three-pound increase on the scale, we set ourselves up for unnecessary frustration. We need to build resilience and frustration tolerance, playing the long game and focusing on the big picture. I can also relate to the experience of going out for a meal and seeing a significant weight increase the next day.

Now, as a coach, I understand the reasons behind it and can provide guidance on how to mitigate the impact or distract from unnecessary focus on those numbers. Over time, we desensitize ourselves to those fluctuations and build resilience. We learn to not let temporary weight changes derail our progress. We trust the process and know that in 10 weeks, those upward fluctuations will come back down. It’s all about playing the long game and focusing on the bigger picture. Building frustration tolerance and resilience along the way is crucial. A coach can provide support and knowledge to help navigate these challenges, offering strategies to mitigate the impact of fluctuations and maintain focus. By desensitizing ourselves to momentary setbacks and shifting our perspective to the long-term progress we’ve made, we can stay committed and confident in our journey. It’s always about the long game and recognizing that true success takes time and consistent effort.

JM: Yeah, dude, a hundred percent, man. That perspective is awesome. And you know, that’s why for, for clients, it’s really important to have that relationship where you know what they want and they know what the outcome is. Because sometimes they don’t even know. They have this vague idea. Like you said, they just pull a number from the sky and it’s like, what really do you want? And then it’s having the rapport and that trust to be like, here’s what that looks like. Okay, like this approach, what you say you want, like this is realistically gonna take this long. And realistically, if you really want this to last, then you’re in the shit for life. Are you cool with that? And if they’re like, no, I just wanna lose 20 pounds fast. It’s like, okay, just so you know, like we can be massively aggressive, but just so you know what’s gonna happen on the backend, then… We’re good, but as a coach, you and I, and all the coaches on our staff is like, hey man, what do you want? What do you want out of this? And what do you ultimately want? Let’s lay out a game plan for you so that we are both on the same page to know exactly what that’s gonna take. And then we watch them buy into that mentality and culture. And that’s when we have champions of just like ridiculous transformations because they’re bought in and we lay out the plan.

Dude, I know like it’s almost probably over 10 o’clock, your time. I love it, dude. I want it. Well,  we’re gonna do a part two. I want you to know you’re a huge piece of my company.

That’s been, you know, one of my most exciting moves in the past decade is getting you on board to run with me in this company because that allows me to put my skill set to use and we can have massive impact. you’re phenomenal at what you do, which people have just heard, you know, your knowledge over an hour and your perspective and your philosophy on things. I want to do, we’ll have like part twos and part threes where I want to dig into some, you know, more nitty or gritty or dietary stuff, maybe some more hormone stuff. But this, this episode is exactly what I wanted it to be. Because it’s all the stuff preceding some of the other stuff that we will talk about. but this need to be talked about first so that you set that foundation just like anything else. It’s like, with no foundation, like the stuff doesn’t make sense.

So dude, I just wanna thank you for being a part of Supra Human.

If you’re interested, you can get on our schedule and you get on with one of our coaches, we lay out a game plan like we just talked about, and we have options for everybody, literally. If you’re on a budget, we do have stuff that fit a certain type of budget, although we’re not the cheapest program in the world, it’s not 49 bucks or 37 bucks.

There is a level of investment that you’re gonna need to put in if you truly wanna be a part of what we do, and that’s just an investment in you. And then there’s some higher end mastermind stuff that we do too, but we’re focused on creating champions and helping people bridge the gap of success in one area to bring that into that fitness arena where they’re not doing nothing, but they’re spinning around in this, a little bit better than average.

Our clientele is that little bit better than average, do really good in some other areas. And what we do is come in and be like, okay, let’s go to great. You deserve it, right? Like why not just look ridiculous and perform ridiculous? So that’s what we geek out about, man.

You’ve been a blessing to me in my fitness journey and just a friend, brother. So thanks for being here, man.

BO: Anytime.